Tuesday, April 7, 2009

10 things about Jo...

1. Loves me
2. Always in love if not will be EMO pulak....
3. Loves to flirt
4. Plays Golf "kindda" haha
6. Funny
7. Loves Partyyin
8. Has good taste in music
9. Loves giving hugs when shes drunk hahahaha!
10. Gets hunggry everytime i tell her that i'm eating somethin yummy...

there u go JO... thats all u.....


Monday, April 6, 2009

When shes bored!!

whoever gets tagged has to write 10 things about the person who tagged him/her.
tagged by Dherej
1.Fun to bearound with
3.Loves to camwhore
4. Dossnt eat loliepops(I hav no idea why)
5. Gets annoyed easily
6. Wants curly hair
7. loves to parrtay
8. Loves BLACK!!!
9. Loves edditing pictures and quite good at it too
10. Says elloo more than 1 time..

now, write ten things about the person who got tagged.(yourself)
1. Umm Love BLACK
2. Love WHITE
3. Loves HATS
4. Love to be afound da ppl i love
5. Needs a new cellphone
6. i hate my short hair
9. Loves SILVER chains or Stainless steel
10. Cant really Dance..

finally, list out 5 people you wanna tag.
1. rosh.
2. dheren
3. joanna
4. dherej

TAGGED by Dherej....

100 truths.. Don't forget to tag!!
Last beverage? ♥ water
Last phone call? ♥ mum
Last text message? ♥ mum
Last song you listened to? ♥ poker face
Last time you cried?♥ last month

Have you ever:-
dated someone twice? ♥ nop
Been cheated on? ♥ nop
Kissed someone and regretted it? ♥ nop
Lost someone special? ♥ yupZ

In the past month have you :
Fallen out of love? ♥ errmmmm.. dunt think so.
Laughed until you cried? ♥ errmmm nop..
Met someone who changed your life? ♥ nope..
Found out someone was talking about you? ♥ who cares!(haha damn stright dhe)
How many people on your top friends do you know in real life?♥ they wouldnt be on my too friends if i didnt knwo them in real life.(agreed)
Do you have any pets? ♥A dumb pampered dog
Do you want to change your name? ♥ nah..
What time did you wake up today? ♥ 7 somethin
What were you doing at midnight last night? ♥ Readin a book
Name something you cannot wait for? ♥ to enter collage..!!
The last time you saw your father?♥ last night
What's one thing you wish you could change? ♥ my past
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? ♥ hahaha nope..
What's getting on your nerves right now? ♥ I'm ALONE!!
What's your name? ♥ kavinish
Elementary/Primary school?♥ S.K Kepong/S.K Serendah/S.K Bukit Rwg Jaya
Middle/Secondary school? ♥ seri garing
Hair colour? ♥ black with a hint of brown
Long or short? ♥ Short i want it to be long!!
Are you a health freak?♥ Not at all...
Righty or lefty? ♥ Righty.

Firsts :
surgery? ♥ none . yet.
piercing? ♥ on my ears.
best friend? ♥ why do i feel like i jv done thsi before. i dont have a specifec best friend. just close friends.(wow u too huh)
sports you joined♥ eeerrrrrmmm. ill get back to u on this one(hahahaha just like my ans)
first pet? ♥ RAMU ma doggie...
first vacation? ♥ cant remember

eating?♥ nothing
drinking? ♥ nothing
waiting? ♥ somethin unexpected to happen...

Your future:
want kids? ♥ If my wife wanna
to get married? ♥ i guess so
careers in mind?♥ something in the engineering field

Have you ever:
kissed a stranger? ♥ On da cheeks count?
drank wine/beer/alcohol? ♥Errmmm YESH!
lost glasses/contacts? ♥ yesp like twice.
ran away from home? ♥ nop, but taught of it..
broken someone's heart? ♥ YesH i hav... But itz not my fault
been arrested? ♥ nop
cried when someone died? ♥ erm yea

Do you believe in:
yourself? ♥ of course i do.
miracles? ♥ im waiting for one.
love at first sight? ♥YESH!
heaven? ♥ dunno.(yea me too)
kiss on first date?♥ nop
angels? ♥ mabye(mabye indeed)

Answer truthfully:
Is there one person you want to be with right now? ♥ errmm 1 person eii nop..
Had more than one bf/gf at one time? ♥ nop
Do you believe in God? ♥ of course!

♥ roshyy
♥ kittie..

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Kavs back to Bloggie ( at least a post a week )

Hmmm soo errrmmm.... Forgot how this bloggin business works again..

Okei so i we all know i sucked at me SPM results ... It a a major let down for me, and me parents..haizzz.... I could do anythin for like 2 days .. didnt talk much didnt eat much after da second day i realized that itz notings gonna happen if i'm like this.. Things can only get worst when u're depressed... And i felt that i'm wasting ma life this way... So i decided to not wast ma life anymore..
Okei moving on....
hmm soo what else is goin on.......
ow Ma grandpaps passed away on 24 Mac 2009... Looks like march is not ma month eii.... And yeaa he waz really close to me ... He practically raised me from a baby till i waz like 10 o somethin ... Ma mum told me when i waz lil i wont evan come neer her cause she would always pinch ma chubby face and i didnt like that ( I thihnk ) So anyhoo she once when ma grandpaps wazznt home she took me to ma grandmumz home (paps mum's house ) in other words kidnapped... so when ma grandpaps found out about it he called ma mum scold her and make her bring me back home....

With all that love theres gotta be some beating ryte... I still remamba that moment... when i waz studyin kindergarten it waz called Tadika Lumen Itz a kindergarten inside a curch in Kepong... So i didnt do well o somethin in one of them exams ryte and i kindda sortta neva complete some of da homeworks... So when ma grandpaps found out abut this he wacked me not wif some thin cane Wif a FRECKIN ROTAN ( let le show ya'll a pic of it.. )
I know Ouich!! ryte after that thing hit ma ass it waz stright A's from there... like magic.. hahahaa.... .....

In front of ma grandpaps lifeless body i realized somethin. I realized that da ppl around you ryte now wont always be there. I mean of cause they will there if anythin happens to u. but no more hanging out no more lepak time no more lots of stuffs.. And no one can blame them too cause at one point we all get buzy wif a family of our own. We will all be spending our time being a good husband or wife, father or mother, and a good son or a daughter. So enjoy what u got now ur friends who makes fun of u, friends who name u with wierd names, ur mum who scolds u ur dad who lectures u, a brother o sister who annoys u makes u scream and sometimes evan bite them.
Cause all those things u hav now may not be there someday.. .. And always do good help others and be nice to ppl cause when u die all theres left of u is a lifeless body and a good name.

Here are some pictures of ma grandpaps and guess who...; )
