Thursday, June 18, 2009


So hmmm.... I just i havnt been keeping ma promiss that i made on one of my ealier posts. The promiss that sounded somethin like "I SHALL BLOG AT LEAST A POST A WEEK".. looks like that didnt happen....

Well the problem is with me when i'm sad o emo o somthing i cant blog .. i mean i don't wanna let everyone know that i'm sad rytee.... cause i have very very very caring friends.... Who wants to know all about it. But sometimes i have no idea why the heck i'm sad.. So i cant tell them WHY.. But they will think that i dunt like them very much and thats why i'm not telling them... Well if ya'll eva taught like that YOU ARE WRONG itz just me, the way i am, wierd ol em.... haizzz...

Ow and to all of ma friends who thing i dunt like them very much read up aite... I LOVE MY F.R.I.E.N.D.S very very much... all of them will da clost one a lil bit more of cause.. I mean i owe my whole life to my friends. This is mostly because i aint got that manny coussies. Well i do hav like 3 of them from ma daddys side that i know of ... But i have no idea what da heck happen to them. And there is like a few from my mumsiee's side but i hav no idea who they are.. Well i do know a few who are quite nice, but we're not that close. So all da thing that i craped just now means i have no cousins so all i have is my loving, caring, amazing friends.. Who i can count on if i need anythin and they know that they can count on me too...

Sometimes i hope that all of my friends would just stick togather all throughout my whole life till the end... like we can get appartments clost by and hang out everyday. Having dinner spening birthdays, and other holidays togather... Just like the evar famous F.R.I.E.N.D.S ,

How am i eva gonna LIVE without them


^kavs^ said...


♥ {[t]hat [G]iRl} ♥ said...

nice one =D

^kavs^ said...


Anonymous said...

AWWWWWW kavs! That was so deep
!:D luved it

dheren ~

^kavs^ said...

HAHHAHAHA ... Really Deepp..??
HAHAH Thanks meoww...

Laughingsinner ♥ said...

i love you hunny :) am here for u just like u've been for me k?

^kavs^ said...

I know Jo...
